Discover Nottingham’s Past

The Nottingham Local Studies Library is based in the Nottingham Central Library, at the heart of the new Broad Marsh development.

Explore our collections of books, periodicals, newspapers, photographs, maps and family history resources to discover the rich heritage of the Nottingham area and Nottinghamshire and learn about the people who lived here.

Email us at prior to your visit for more information and to arrange to view items from the collection.

Local Studies is primarily based in Nottingham Central Library. Our community libraries also hold a selection of Local Studies material, and all our online resources are available free of charge on our PCs in any of our libraries.

open book

Research & enquiry service

Need some extra help with research? Our specialist team may be able to help.

Research can be undertaken on a range of enquiries and is carried out by an experienced and trained team member. We offer a maximum of three hours of research per order and fees and charges apply.

If we don’t have what you are looking for, then we can help point you in the right direction.

Please email the Local Studies team direct with any enquiries or for further information at

A historic black and white photo of a family

Family and Local History Resources

Are you looking to explore your family history? The Local Studies Library in Nottingham provides a comprehensive range of resources to support your research journey. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced researcher, our dedicated staff are here to assist you every step of the way.

We have a variety of family history books covering essential topics such as getting started with genealogy and specialised areas like tracing Irish roots or researching ancestors in the theatre industry. You can search for these resources on our online catalogue

For more in-depth exploration, we offer microfiche copies of Nottinghamshire parish registers, census returns up to 1901, electoral registers, and microfilm of local newspapers.

Access to Find My Past and the British Library Newspapers online is available free of charge at all Nottingham City Libraries. Additionally, we host a monthly family history drop-in session to provide further guidance and support.

Recommended resources to support your research

Staff picks of online resources to help you with your family and local history research.

Deceased Online allows you to search UK cemetery records by country, region, county, burial authority or name.  Search for free and get a brief summary – note: there is a charge for access to more details.

Family Search contains thousands of family history records from around the world which are free to search.  Note: registration is required to use the website, but there is no charge for use.

FreeBMD provides free to search Civil Registration indexes of birth, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, from 1837 to 1983.

Use FreeREG to search transcripts of parish registers for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales for free.  Records include Anglican, Catholic and non-Conformist records.  Note: coverage varies.

Use the GRO website to search some birth and death indexes.  The birth indexes include mother’s maiden name, and death indexes include age at death.  Registration is required to search for free or to purchase certificates – to register choose the ‘order certificates’ option.

Genuki is an online reference library of genealogy information for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales.  Find out historical details about counties and places, as well as a wealth of subjects from wills to census returns, churches to maps.

The Nottinghamshire Great War Roll of Honour is a free to use, searchable archive as well as permanent tribute to local men and women who died during the world wars.

The Wills and Probate website holds an index of English and Welsh records from 1858 to the present day.  Search is free with an option to purchase a copy of the will for a small charge.

The Nottinghamshire Heritage Gateway hosts a wide range of local heritage resources which can be searched by people, place, themes and events.

The Nottinghamshire History website hosts a wide range of digitised books and articles reflecting the rich and fascinating history of the county.  Browse ‘people’ or ‘places’ or search for a specific name or place.

The Nottinghamshire Local History Association was established in 1953 to bring together people and organisations interested in history and heritage in Nottinghamshire.

The Thoroton Society of Nottinghamshire was established in 1897 and named after Dr Robert Thoroton who published the first history of Nottinghamshire in 1677.  Find out about the society, their current projects, newsletters and publications.

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Picture Nottingham

With over 20,000 photographs, drawings and paintings, the Picture Nottingham website offers a fascinating glimpse into Nottingham’s history, capturing everything from the details of everyday life to the splendour of royal visits.

Images and merchandise can be purchased through the website, so why not treat someone special (or yourself!).

Special Collections

Local Studies contains a number of specialist collections. Click on the dropdown menu below to find out more.

Our extensive collection of maps covers both Nottingham and Nottinghamshire and is made up of Ordnance Survey and non-Ordnance Survey maps.

The Ordnance Survey maps date from around 1880 through to the current day and encompass a range of scales. Our holdings of non-Ordnance Survey maps can be searched on the pdf document below.

Local Ordnance Survey maps can also be viewed online through our website Nottingham Insight Click on the historical option from the drop-down menu and move the slider through time to see how an area has changed. There is also an option to overlay a current map to find the location of long demolished streets.

Please contact the Local Studies Library prior to your visit as some items are held in offsite storage.

The Local Studies Library holds the main newspapers for Nottingham on microfilm. Newspapers for other parts of the county can be found on microfilm at the most appropriate library for the coverage.

Nottingham City Libraries also offer free access to the British Newspaper Archive online at any of our library premises. A selection of local newspapers including the Nottingham Evening Post can be searched by keyword as well as date, making the website incredibly useful for researchers.

The Newsplan project has created a searchable database of newspapers in the East Midlands, detailing where the newspapers are held and the dates that are covered. To find out more about the project and to search the online database, follow

To book a microfilm scanner, or if you have any further queries regarding newspapers in our collection, please email the Local Studies Library

Electoral Registers

The Nottingham Local Studies Library holds the following electoral registers:

  • County of Nottinghamshire from 1838 to 2000
  • City of Nottingham from 1838 onwards, excluding the years 1913-1932.

Electoral registers prior to 2012 are held on microfiche and can be viewed in the Local Studies Library without appointment. Please contact staff on the email below for further information and if you would like to reserve a microform scanner.

Viewing the current electoral register

The current register for the city of Nottingham must be viewed in person either at the Nottingham Local Studies Library in Nottingham Central Library or at Electoral Services in Loxley House, Station Street, Nottingham. Staff cannot respond to requests to check the register by telephone or email.

To make an appointment to view the current register, either email the Nottingham Local Studies Library on or email or call Electoral Services on

(0115) 876 4111.

Please note that you will be asked to complete a form prior to viewing the register, and be aware that the register is arranged by electoral ward and street – there is no surname index.

The current electoral registers for locations outside of Nottingham are held at the relevant borough council for that area.

The oral history collection offers a fascinating insight into how people lived, recorded in their own words.

The collection is made up of over 1000 interviews covering a range of topics including memories of childhood, home life, working life, health and social life as well as specialist topics.

The Local Studies Library holds transcripts and tapes of the interviews within our oral history archive. Over 100 interviews have been uploaded to the British Library Sound website.

Please contact the Local Studies Library prior to your visit as some items are held in offsite storage.

A clip from the collection can be heard here:

The Local Studies theatre collection covers the major theatre venues in Nottingham from the late 1800s onwards. It contains playbills, programmes, posters and reviews as well as books about local theatres and personalities.

There is a chronological and alphabetical index detailing productions and material held.

Please email the Local Studies Library for further information or if you wish to search or view items from the theatre collection as they are held in offsite storage.

A picture of a person viewing a index card on a pc

Doubleday (Nottinghamshire) Index

The Nottinghamshire or Doubleday Index is remarkable collection of over 350,000 subject index cards created by W.E. Doubleday, a Nottingham born librarian. Upon Mr Doubleday’s death in the 1950s, the Local Studies Library acquired the card index along with his collection of books and scrapbooks. Since then, Local Studies staff have continued to update and expand the index.

The cards contain references to a vast array of printed materials, almost all of which are held in the Local Studies Library. They cover a wide range of topics including people, places, buildings and industry to name a few.

The card index has been digitised and is available to search on a library computer in the Local Studies Library. For more information, please contact our staff.

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