Deceased Online allows you to search UK cemetery records by country, region, county, burial authority or name. Search for free and get a brief summary – note: there is a charge for access to more details.
Family Search contains thousands of family history records from around the world which are free to search. Note: registration is required to use the website, but there is no charge for use.
FreeBMD provides free to search Civil Registration indexes of birth, marriages and deaths for England and Wales, from 1837 to 1983.
Use FreeREG to search transcripts of parish registers for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales for free. Records include Anglican, Catholic and non-Conformist records. Note: coverage varies.
Use the GRO website to search some birth and death indexes. The birth indexes include mother’s maiden name, and death indexes include age at death. Registration is required to search for free or to purchase certificates – to register choose the ‘order certificates’ option.
Genuki is an online reference library of genealogy information for England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Find out historical details about counties and places, as well as a wealth of subjects from wills to census returns, churches to maps.
The Nottinghamshire Great War Roll of Honour is a free to use, searchable archive as well as permanent tribute to local men and women who died during the world wars.
The Wills and Probate website holds an index of English and Welsh records from 1858 to the present day. Search is free with an option to purchase a copy of the will for a small charge.