Man reading book with a hot drink.

Click & Collect

Helping you find your next great read. You can request a selection of books, audio books, fiction and non-fiction to collect at libraries in the city.

In need of  books but no time to browse?

Tell us what you like to read, and our staff will select up to 24 books for you, including children’s books, fiction, large print, non-fiction and spoken word from any of the libraries taking part in Click and Collect.

Based on your preferences, staff will do their best to find books that match your choice from the stock in their library.  They will contact you once the books selected for you are ready and your items will be kept for one week.

  • If you are not already a library member, join the library online before you use the service.
  • Think about what types of books you want. For inspiration, have a look at our online catalogue.
  • Fill in our Click and Collect form that will ask you what your favourite authors and type of books are.
  • If you can’t access the online form, don’t worry, call one of the available libraries where a member of staff will go through the form with you and submit your order, or email with your name and phone number and we will call you back to arrange your order.
  • Based on your preferences, staff will do their best to find books that match your choice from the stock in their library.
  • Once staff have chosen your books, they will contact you to let you know you can collect your items.
  • Please do not attend your local library to collect your books until you have received your confirmation.
  • We will keep your items for one week
  • Staff will issue your books to your library card and place them in one of our unused paper bags.
  • Our fines amnesty continues until further notice. Had your books a long time? Now's a good time to bring them back, contact us if you need help.
  • Please bring your library card or the library card number with you. You can ask a friend or family member to collect on your behalf, just let us know their name on the form or when we arrange your collection.
  • Aspley Library
  • Basford Library
  • Bilborough Library
  • Bulwell Riverside Library
  • Clifton Library
  • The Dales Centre Library
  • Hyson Green Library
  • Nottingham Central Library
  • Radford-Lenton Library
  • The Meadows Library
  • St Ann’s Valley Library
  • Strelley Road Library
  • Southglade Park Library
  • Wollaton Library

Use the online form to get a set of books carefully selected by our staff.

For contact details and opening hours, visit Find a Library

Once you have finished with your books, if you want to make another selection, complete the online form again and let us know you will be bringing some books back with you.

If you don’t want to make another selection, that’s fine you can return the books during open hours.

Our fines amnesty continues until further notice. Had your books a long time? Now's a good time to bring them back, contact us if you need help.

If you need to change or cancel your collection please contact the relevant pick-up library or email

Man reading book at a table

Discover books for adults

With a wide range of books for adults, including fiction, large print, non-fiction and spoken word, meaning you can immerse yourself in the world of books with the help of Nottingham City Libraries.

Close up shot of a girl reading a book.

Explore books for children & young adults

With a wide range of books for children & young adults, including fiction, large print, non-fiction and spoken word, you can rest assured that children can find fun and develop with the help of Nottingham City Libraries.

Woman reading book with a cup of coffee

Home Library Service

Did you know, we offer a Home Library Service? Free for everyone with restricted mobility, and carers, who have no other way to use the library.


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