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Find My Past

What is it?

Find My Past helps you research your UK family history through census records, birth, marriage and death records, parish records including Nottinghamshire, military, education and cemetery records. The Library Service pays for a limited subscription, so members can use most of the site free of charge on our public computers in libraries.

The 1921 Census

The 1921 Census of England & Wales is a detailed snapshot of 38 million lives and it is exclusively available on Find my Past giving access to over 18 million digitised records. The 1921 Census can now be accessed free of charge as part of our institutional subscription to Find My Past on any library PC.

For more information see the Find My Past 1921 census page:

Where can I access it?

On any computer in Nottingham City Libraries.

How do I use it?

Fill in the details you know about your ancestor in the search form and click search.

Screenshot of website

Or click Advanced Search (at the bottom of the search box) to add more parameters to your search such as specific types of record

Finding help or further information

Click FAQ in the footer to search the help section for information about how to use Find My Past.

You can also contact our Local Studies team for more help with researching your local ancestors by emailing