group of people Victorian females, wearing aprons

Family History Drop-in Sessions

When: Monthly (First Wednesdays), 10am to 12pm.

Want to find out about your ancestry but don’t know where to start or looking for tips on where to look next?

Our popular family history drop-in sessions takes place in Local Studies on the first floor of the new Nottingham Central Library.

We have free access to online resources such as Find My Past where you can view the census returns for England, Scotland and Wales from 1841 to 1921 and also parish records for much of England and Wales. You can view the British Newspaper Archive too, for free, which gives you access to thousands of regional newspaper titles.

The Local Studies Library holds a large collection of Nottinghamshire-related resources including newspapers, parish records and electoral registers on microfilm, maps, reference items and books for loan to help you find out more about your ancestors.

So whether you’re new to family history or just need a bit of help to get past that ‘brick wall’, come along and have a chat to experts at our free drop-in sessions, there’s no need to book.

All welcome!  Nottingham ancestors not essential!

Female at a public pc
Female at a public pc

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