Why are changes being proposed to Nottingham Library Services?
Nottingham City Council faces an unprecedented situation and must make significant financial savings across its services. Nottingham City Libraries need to save £1.5m over the next 2 years. This amounts to just over 38% of the library services existing budget. This will require us considering how library services are delivered to the citizens of Nottingham.
What might the library service in Nottingham look like?
The option to be considered at consultation is just a proposal at this stage and no decisions have been made on what the library service will look like in the future; the responses to this consultation will help inform decisions that will be taken by the Council, after the completion of the consultation.
Nottingham City Council remains committed to delivering a comprehensive and efficient library service that is sustainable. We will be providing a core number of libraries which are open at least 5 days a week, a brand new, modern Central Library, commitment to retaining joint service centres, skilled and specialist staff available to help, welcoming, safe, warm spaces accessible to all with book loans, eBooks & audiobooks, study space and free Wi-Fi and computer access.
What will happen to library buildings if they are closed and are there alternative services I can use?
If the building is closed as a library, Nottingham City Council will look to dispose of the building, although in certain cases we do need to consider storage requirements for specific collections.
You will continue to be able to use all other libraries in the City and County and access the library service through the online and home library services. Within this proposal, if accepted, 73% of households would remain within a 20 min walk of a library or have access to alternative libraries through good public transport links.
How have the libraries proposed to close been selected?
Any decision to close a library will be based on a number of factors including the criteria below: Library usage, geographical spread across the city, the current condition of buildings, running costs, access and transport links and taking into account Equality Impact Assessments prior to making any decisions.
We will be listening to and considering all the responses from the public consultation.
What if my community wants to set up a community led library?
We want to work with local people to find flexible and sustainable ways of providing library services. One of the options may be for the community to take over the running of the library building. As
What other options have been considered? In developing the proposal for consultation, a number of other options were been explored.
These include:
- Closure of fewer libraries – Unfortunately the necessary saving could not be made.
- Significant reduction in opening hours – Research from other authorities who adopted this model shows it created confusion and uncertainty over when a library is open, leading to people assuming they are closed. Usage then drops, which can amount to library closure by default and would not make the necessary budget saving.
- Technology Enabled Opening (TEO) – Leads to a loss of specialist staff skills and available support and advice. Creates equality and access issues. The investment costs to implement the technology mean the required budget savings could not be met.
- Outsourcing Libraries – This is something that could be explored in the future but would not ensure savings are met in the timescale required.
- Don’t reopen Sherwood library – Sherwood Library is well placed on a major transport route helping to improving access to the library network and was developed with external funding.
- Use of volunteers across the network replacing paid library staff – Leads to a loss of specialist staff skills and available support and advice. Nottingham City Council plans to continue to develop volunteer support in addition to paid library staff, however creating an efficient, effective and reliable volunteer network takes time.
How can I find out more and have my say?
The public consultation on the proposed changes to libraries in Nottingham was open from 28 May to 19 August 2024.