
Are you looking for something new and different to read?

Then this is the place for you! This page is dedicated to the joy of reading for pleasure. We discuss all things reading.

Woman reading book with a cup of coffee

Favourite picks

Every month we highlight some of our favourite book picks of the month, online events you might be interested in and we invite you join our monthly book club discussion for anyone who wants to join in. We will be choosing a book that is available for multi-access on our BorrowBox site, and where possible we will offer the choice of eBook or eAudio.

Book cover

Our Facebook Book Group

This is a Facebook group for anyone who would like to talk about books, see what others are reading and share your thoughts about the books you are reading. The page is open to all readers aged 18 and over, whatever your taste in books, and we want to cover fiction and non-fiction.

Prefer to meet in person?

Find a reading group at one of our libraries. Meet up over a cup of tea to discuss a book or books that you have read and share your opinions. The members of the group normally agree to read a particular book, and then discuss their own thoughts, experiences and impressions at the next meeting. Joining is free. It’s a great way to meet people with similar interests and make new friends.

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