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The Library for New Arrivals from Ukraine

What libraries, the council and other agencies have to offer for people who are newly arrived in the UK, with a focus on Ukraine.
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Welcome to Nottingham 

Public libraries are the ideal place to find help and information about local services, and to borrow books and use computers. Libraries are safe places where you will find kind and caring staff on hand to help you.

Libraries also offer online services which can be accessed from computers or mobile devices, away from the library building.

Вітаємо у Ноттінгемі

Публічні бібліотеки є ідеальним місцем, де можна знайти допомогу та інформацію про місцеві послуги, а також позичити книги та користуватися комп’ютерами. Бібліотеки – це безпечні місця, де ви знайдете доброзичливий персонал, який допоможе вам.

Бібліотеки також пропонують онлайн-послуги, доступ до яких можна отримати з комп’ютерів або мобільних пристроїв поза бібліотекою.

A pile of books on a book trolley

Joining the library is free

You can join by visiting any of our libraries – you will get your library card straight away. You can use your new library card at any Nottingham City or Nottinghamshire Library.
Відвідайте місцеву бібліотеку у вашому районі, щоб отримати читацький квиток, і вам нададуть інформацію

Where are the Nottingham City  libraries? You can find out where your nearest Nottingham Library is on our  Find a Library page.
Ви можете дізнатися, де знаходиться ваша найближча бібліотека, відвідавши сайт Find a Library page.

You can also join by filling in a form online. You will need an email address and will receive a temporary card number; your library card will be posted to your address. Find out more about how to join the library online.


Links to other resources

Living in Nottingham

Information and help with finances and benefits, housing, school places, healthcare, emergency services and more. The Nottingham City Council website has a dedicated page, with a Welcome to Nottingham Guide and other essential information.

Find out more on the Nottingham City Council website here. 

Odilo free eBooks and eAudiobooks in Ukrainian

Odilo launched a free app for both Android and iOS in early April. Available across Europe, the app includes 3000 eBooks and eAudiobooks in a variety of genres, including 1,700 Ukrainian titles and 500 in English. This is for both children and adults.

Links to download the app on your own device: for Android or iOS

National Literacy Trust

The Trust are in the process of developing resources for Ukrainian families arriving in the UK. If you are a Ukrainian family, or are supporting a Ukrainian family, you can email them to receive one of their Welcome Reading Packs. You will receive a bag with age-appropriate books, a ruler, pencil, pack of markers, stickers, a pencil case, a hardback notebook. You will also receive some printed resources, information about local literacy activities and a QR code to access digital activities. These packs are sent out at the end of each month.

Logo for Libraries Connected


With thanks to Libraries Connected and Dr Ludmila Pekarska of Shevchenko Library and Archive, and The Association of Ukrainian Women in Great Britain, for translations.

Google Translate  If you need to translate any of the English text on websites, online forms, emails you can copy and paste text for a translation in to your language.

You can see the full Libraries Connected PDF document in Ukrainian, with information about support
and services in libraries around the UK Libraries Connected letter Ukrainian translation

Support letter Ukrainian

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