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A global business to business directory which enables you to find new business leads. Kompass provides detailed product and service listings for over 5.6 million companies across 70 countries.

Accessing Kompass Free through Libraries

Kompass can be accessed remotely at home or at your Business & IP Centre in the following libraries:

Email or call one of these libraries to book a computer in advance, or ask the front desk for a BIPC computer when you are visiting.

Getting around Kompass

Start your search with the New Search button on the home screen.

You will then be able to filter using the categories on the left-hand toolbar to refine your search criteria. Once you’ve managed to get companies matching your criteria to a reasonable number, you can then click ‘Show Result’ button to see a full list of details.

Kompass Webpage

Viewing, Downloading and Printing

If you wish to download a set of search results, please contact us on bipc@nottinghamcity.gov.uk

Discover More