young boy hublet


Nottingham City Libraries are delighted to announce the addition of a brand new digital service which is available at the Meadows Library and Dales Centre Library to all library users.

6 tablets in a docking station

What is a Hublet?

Hublets are Samsung Galaxy tablets which library users can borrow for use within the library. All you need is your Nottingham City library card and PIN to release a Hublet for up to 2 hours use, completely free.

The Hublets are ready to browse the internet using the library’s Wi-Fi, and are preloaded with some commonly used apps.

When you’re done return the device to the docking station and all your data will be wiped, ensuring that the Hublet is charged and ready for the next customer and your privacy is protected.

Man with Hublet Tablet at Library

Hublet allows you access to a range of services

  • Thousands of free eMagazines and eNewspapers
  • A wide selection of eBooks
  • Online services
  • Listen to music
  • Watch your favourite tv programmes
  • Play games and browse the web
  • Educational and entertaining content
  • Online shopping and banking
  • Printing
Hublet_Girls using Hublet Tablet at library

How to borrow a Hublet

  1. Head to the Hublet docking station and have your library card ready.
  2. Hold the library card under the barcode scanner with the barcode facing up.
  3. The screen will prompt you to enter your personal pin / password to unlock the tablet. If you have forgotten your pin / password, you can get it from  library staff.
  4. Your Tablet will now be illuminated and you can lift it out of the docking station. The loan period is shown in the upper corner of the tablet (max loan time 2 hours). The Hublet Tablet works within the library using the library’s Wi-Fi.
  5. When you return the Hublet Tablet, make sure that the Hublet Smart Docking Station confirms it returned.

Hublet Tablets use the library Wi-Fi and only work within the library building. They should not be taken of site and will automatically lock and close down should they be removed.

Hublet Tablets  are currently available at the Meadows Library and Dales Centre Library.

Discover and Get Involved

Boy playing chess and moving a piece, hand close up

Games Cafés

Looking for games old and new? Then Dominos, Scrabble and Kerplunk could be for you. Card games are the real test, bring friends and see who is the best. Remember to have fun and have a blast!