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The world’s leading independent provider of strategic market research. Get data and analysis on thousands of products and services globally.

  • Explore more than 115 million demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle statistics
  • Review historical and forecast data for a range of categories
  • Use interactive dashboards to visually explore category, company and channel data for an industry, as well as analysis on consumer trends

Accessing Euromonitor Free through Libraries.

Euromonitor can be accessed at your Business & IP Centre in the following libraries:

Email or call one of these libraries to book a computer in advance, or ask the front desk for a BIPC computer when you are visiting.

Getting around Euromonitor

Search by keywords through the Quick Search box at the top of the page. You can search in more depth in via the Search tab to refine what categories and locations you are interested in.

Dashboards are a powerful tool on Euromonitor’s Passport which you can use to visualise data. You can navigate to this through your searches or via the grid options on the home screen.

Euromonitor website

Viewing, Downloading and Printing

You can view Euromonitor for free. Downloads of data and reports are limited to staff only.
Please speak to your BIPC team in your library or email bipc@nottinghamcity.gov.uk if one is not available. They will help advise and access data on behalf of your query.

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